
Thursday 24 August 2017

#RPGaDAY2017: Day 24 - Share a PWYW publisher who should be charging more.

I'm not buying games at the moment: I haven't played far too many of the ones I already own. So I haven't looked at PWYW publishers. What does it mean to be charging more than PWYW? Setting a price means that you don't end up with people paying basically nothing for something you've worked hard on, but on the other hand, it also means you don't end up with people paying you any more than that price - which with PWYW you can end up getting much higher than you expected. I suspect that doesn't happen all that often though. Still, it means "more than PWYW" is a weird concept.

There's no alternative questions I'm particularly interested in at the time of writing, and I feel a bit guilty at how many times I've gone back to previous years already, so I'm going to leave it there.


RPGaDAY was started by Dave Chapman and is currently curated by RPG Brigade. To join in yourself, follow the questions in the graphic and blog, vlog, tweet, or otherwise share your responses with the hashtag RPGaDAY2017.

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